Holly's Dad passed away early Saturday morning.
I recently read that God places us on earth to do His work and when He is pleased, He calls us home. Please pray for Holly and her family.
Going Home
Posted by The Simple Things Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 8:39 AM
Fathers & Daughters
Posted by The Simple Things Friday, February 1, 2008 at 11:56 AM
God's reach amazes me everyday. Just a few days ago my sister-n-law shared her heartache as she grieved for so many. This morning I learned that my best friend's father most likely won't live to see the close of today.
The Lord has promis’d good to me,
Belated . . .
Posted by The Simple Things Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 7:38 PM
There is one benefit, I suppose, of being the youngest in the family . . . you're always the youngest! That being said, Happy Belated Birthday Spleen (Spleen being my older brother)!
Another benefit of being the youngest in the family is having those before you teach you between right and wrong - sometimes by example and others simply because they don't want you to go through the pains of learning first hand. In either case, us 'babies' are typically at the front end of the learning curve when it comes to parents and proper behavior.
The greatest benefit for me was having such a solid role model. This was not apparent to me as a young girl and especially not as a teenager. It wasn't until I began to make my own way into the world that I realized the awesome example my brother had set for me. You see, Kevin went after everything he wanted and he has always done so with integrity. That's the difference. His work ethic is exhausting, his drive untouchable and his love and pride unending. He's respectful, attentive and appreciates the joy of laughter. Maybe one of the greatest examples Kevin has provided, is the love he has for Missy, which serves as the solid foundation that fuels their love for their children.
It's funny, some days I still feel as though I am a 12-year-old girl waiting to grow up (no comments from the peanut gallery). I spend time with my brother and I find myself constantly looking up to him, seeking guidance without asking - direction that can only be given by the example that is set before me. I suppose, this too, is something that I will always have being the youngest. Thank goodness. I can't thing of anyone else I would rather look up to. I love you Brother!
Happy Birthday Spleen!
Belated . . . coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time.
B3 Update
Posted by The Simple Things at 11:22 AM
The Four Levels of Learning
Posted by The Simple Things Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at 3:02 PM
Since creating my blog, I have had the list titled “The Four Levels of Learning”. I would like to take some time to elaborate on this concept. No matter where we are in life, when we learn something new, we all go through these four stages. This ranges from learning how to ride a bike to receiving a promotion at work that results in a brand new set of responsibilities. This can apply to the learning curve of relocation to the introduction of a new board game. Let me further define each stage:
1. Unconscious Inability
We don’t know that we don’t know. Let’s use the example of learning how to ride a bike. At Level 1, we observe others riding a bike and to us it looks simple.
2. Conscious Inability
Here’s the test, we hop on the bike and fall over. We now know we don’t know. It becomes very apparent that we have yet to develop the skills necessary to successfully ride a bike. We must learn how to get started, stay balanced, steer, brake, turn, and stop with grace.
3. Conscious Ability
We now know we can do it, but it takes quite a bit of concentration. We must think every step through. (This would be where the “training wheel phase” takes place.) We must remember to first put up the kick stand, align the pedals with the right pedal up, place our right foot on the pedal, grip the handle bars, straighten the front wheel, push off, get centered, steady the wheel, etc. And then all the steps required to stop safely – this is quite complex.
4. Unconscious Ability
This level of learning is where we no longer think about the process of riding the bike, we just do it. We see it in the yard, grab it and take off! For those adults out there, think about the last time you drove. Did you walk through each step as you loaded up and drove to your destination?
Some other questions to ponder . . .
o Do you have to think through each step of the process when posting a blog?
o The last time you showered or bathed (which we hope was recently) did you think about how to wash your hair?
o Do you remind yourself to buckle your seat belt?
o When you moved into your current housing, was it difficult remembering which dish went in which cabinet? Is it difficult today?
. . . all newly acquired skills go through these four stages of the learning process, some maybe quicker than others.
An important thing to remember, especially as an adult, is every time we enter into a situation when we are learning something for the first time, we are a Level One learner. . . and that’s okay. It’s when we deceive ourselves and attempt to convey we know it all that we get ourselves in trouble.
Here's to Lifelong Learners!