Belated . . .

There is one benefit, I suppose, of being the youngest in the family . . . you're always the youngest! That being said, Happy Belated Birthday Spleen (Spleen being my older brother)!

Another benefit of being the youngest in the family is having those before you teach you between right and wrong - sometimes by example and others simply because they don't want you to go through the pains of learning first hand. In either case, us 'babies' are typically at the front end of the learning curve when it comes to parents and proper behavior.

The greatest benefit for me was having such a solid role model. This was not apparent to me as a young girl and especially not as a teenager. It wasn't until I began to make my own way into the world that I realized the awesome example my brother had set for me. You see, Kevin went after everything he wanted and he has always done so with integrity. That's the difference. His work ethic is exhausting, his drive untouchable and his love and pride unending. He's respectful, attentive and appreciates the joy of laughter. Maybe one of the greatest examples Kevin has provided, is the love he has for Missy, which serves as the solid foundation that fuels their love for their children.

It's funny, some days I still feel as though I am a 12-year-old girl waiting to grow up (no comments from the peanut gallery). I spend time with my brother and I find myself constantly looking up to him, seeking guidance without asking - direction that can only be given by the example that is set before me. I suppose, this too, is something that I will always have being the youngest. Thank goodness. I can't thing of anyone else I would rather look up to. I love you Brother!

Happy Birthday Spleen!

Belated . . . coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time.